HVCC provides a gathering place for people who share a common interest - Corvettes. We have members that have owned many Corvettes and many that are first time owners. The thing that connects us all is the Corvette.
Rolling Sculpture Car Show in Ann Arbor, 2024

We are a club that loves to eat and socialize. We hold dinners, weekly ice cream runs, take part in car shows, and occasionally go on long cruises at times out of state during the "Corvette Season" and continue to meet through the winter months. If you enjoy cruising, car shows and dinners with great people - this is the club for you!
Genitti's in Northville, 2024

Our Sponsor LaFontaine
HVCC receives great sponsorship from our sponsor LaFontaine in Dexter. They provide space for our monthly meetings - either in their enclosed service area weather permitting or in their main conference room. They treat us to at least two dinners a year - during our first meeting of the year and during the holidays. The word "dinners" does not describe these events well. Our last dinner put on by LaFontaine included custom shirts for the club and LaFontaine staff and a fully catered dinner - they've also been known to award incredible gift bags. They provide "eye" candy as we enter the dealership of their many C8 Corvettes in their showroom.
Members showing off their Corvettes when attending a monthly meeting in the LaFontaine conference room.

A typical HVCC monthly meeting in LaFontaine conference room.

Custom t-shirts provided by LaFontaine during a LaFontaine dinner.


- HVCC is a great source of knowledge for maintaining and repairing your Corvette. Many of our members have backgrounds in the automotive industries. In our close to sixty years our members have seen almost everything that you can do to the Corvette.
- The very best way to gain first hand experience is working with other members on their Corvettes. Skills are shared and a good time is a great side effect. Many of our members own lifts and work on their own cars.
- Monthly Technical sessions
- Vendor presentations
- Member discussions
- HVCC promotes fellowship with other clubs around the United States.
- We
are actively involved with other clubs around the state and many of us
travel to visit other states with our Corvettes meeting new friends
along the way.